Tales of Symphonia The Animation: Sekai Tougou Hen OVA-3 / Tales of Symphonia the Animation: The United World Episode OVA-3 / Сказания Симфонии ОВА-3 - 1 серия [Озвучка: OSLIKt] 1,552 views 12 years ago 47 minutes, 6 seconds Uploaded by ~ Umi 海洋アニメ Anime ~ Related videos 23:59 94:33 24:31 24:35 24:34 24:35 24:35 22:44 22:44 22:45 22:44 22:44 22:44 22:44 22:45 22:45 22:44 22:44 22:45 22:45 22:44 22:44 22:44 22:44 22:45 22:45 22:44 22:44 22:44 22:44 22:45 22:44 22:43 23:59 24:24 24:24 24:40 24:24 24:39 24:39 24:24 24:39 24:33 24:33 24:33 24:39 23:23 23:22